Hello and thank you for asking HCM.
I have read your symptoms and i understand your concerns.
Cholcecystitis,means infection of the
gallbladder. And since you have a stone treating it with antibiotics probably will not work. And since you are having pain always,it means that surgery is the only option left.
If i was your caring doctor ,i would do some blood tests first to check the
liver enzymes (AST,
SGOT,SGPT ect), levels of
bilirubin and the pancreatic enzymes. Than i would recommend to check up with a surgeon and have the surgery because if left untreated you might have serious consequences. According to your history,yes i am afraid that surgery is the only option for you.
Meanwhile have this diet,to help your body also:
-avoid concentrated fats like oil, butter, margarine, fat on meat
-fresh fruits and vegetables
-avoid alcohol until after you have had your operation
If you have any other question,feel free to contact me.
Dr.Endri Katro