I ve been inpain with both hands for some time now. it first started with difficulty in closing my fingers in a fist, also the lower joint of my thumb became very painful when trying to form a fist. Today the situation is much worse as I have lost the ability to even open a bottle top, or lift something with my hands. I had my hands X rayed some weeks ago, and my cosultant said there is nothing specially wrong with my hands, maybe a little arthritis .I find this hard to beleive as things are getting worse day by day. For the last 2/3 months i have been taking LYRICA tablets for my numbness and burning pain in both my legs, and reading the side effects on the leaflet I noticed that there could be problems with the joints, numbness and burning pain in the legs. So I started doubting my LYRICA medication. Can this be a reason for my hands condition. thanks