For the past three days, I have had excruciating pain in my lower back. This morning, it is so severe that it difficult to walk. Just over a month ago, I had cataracts removed from my left eye. One week prior to the surgery, the opthamologist instructed me to begin taking three different eye drops: 1) Ilevro (.3%), one time daily for a total of three weeks; 2) Besiviance (.6%) four times daily for one week; and 3) Prednisolone Acetate (1%) one drop 4 times a day for two weeks and an additional week after the surgery. The first week I experienced black stools and a serious pain on the right side of my neck and in my lower back. Note: the eye surgery was on my left eye. It is now almost one month later; the neck pain seems to be subsiding but the lower back pain is getting progressively worse. I am no long putting in eye drops --but this morning, I can barely walk because the lower back pain (especially on the left side is so severe. After researching all three of the drugs, online, my assessment is maybe the Prednisolone Acetate is the cause. At this point, I need a professional opinion. When I called the opthamologist, he shrugged it off by saying -- I don t think the eye have anything to do with it and anyway, you no longer have cataracts . To my mind was an insincere response and NOT an answer to my question. PLEASE, PLEASE ADVISE WHETHER OR NOT THE PREDNISONE YOU THINK --BASED ON THE AOVE-- PREDNISOLONE HAS BUILT UP IN MY SYSTEM AND WILL THE BACK PAIN EVENTUALLY GO AWAY OR WILL IT GET WORSE BECAUSE IF WAS INSTRUCTED TO TAKE IT FOR THREE STRAIGHT WEEKS? Please, Please help! The low back pain is severe.