I did a stupid thing and jumped off of a rock that was about 9 feet high while at the beach and assumed (quite stupidly) that the sand would be soft and that not having any shoes on would not make a difference. I landed square on my feet and both hurt almost immediately. I noticed the pain in the heels, which hit first and in the arch, especially towards the proximal end. I haven't had it x-rayed yet, and hadn't planned to, as i thought it just to be bad bruising. Now though, 2 days later, I had to walk on them with a pathetic cane (really just a piece of beach debris) for about a 2 miles on the journey to get back to my house and they were really painful.
I went with a broken wrist for 2.5 years. Before I finally had an x-ray and found a chronic break of the navicular.... kept breaking it doing sports and various weight training exercises. As a quarter-miler you learn to deal with pain, but I am sure I don't want to repeat a chronic break! Is there any way to rule out a break? The left bruised and swelled a bit... only minor swelling on the right. Left is a little sore to the touch on medial aspect between what I think is the area over the articulation between the calcaneus and talus.