Can understand your concern..
As per your complain it seems that your friend has got RECURRENT APTHOUS ULCERS leading to formation of ulcers or sores in mouth..
Apthous ulcers can be caused due to a number of reasons like
vitamin deficiency ,
allergic reaction, excessive intake of sour foods, anaemia, immuno-compromised conditions ,
acid reflux etc but the exact cause is not clearly known..
In case of apthous ulcers the treatment is based on relieving the symptoms..
The above prescribed medicine is appropriate as it contains orabase which is a numbing gel and helps in numbing the sores and relieve during meals and during burning, kenakort ,
prednisolone and triamcenolone acetonide are all steroids and reduces the inflammation and symptoms of pain and burning and betadine gargles have antimicrobial properties which will prevent infections and you can repeat the same prescription.
Along with it you can take Advil for pain relief..
Gargle with 1:1 solution of
milk of magnesia and benadryl can help..
Gargle with 1:1 solution of
hydrogen peroxide and water can help. You can apply milk of magnesia dapped on cotton over the sores..
Avoid sour hard and spicy foods..
Suck on ice pops for relief..
soft diet..
Drink plenty of cold water for relief and maintenance of hydration..
Hope this information helps..
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Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.