I have been diagnosed with upper back muscle spasm(s). My pain started 2 weeks ago and became worse every day until I went to the Acute Care Clinic on Sunday, where my diagnosis was made. Under their advice, since the pain worsened Sunday, I went to the ER Sunday. Diagnosis was confirmed. Currently on cyclobenzapr (20 mg 3X/day). Received deep tissue massage Saturday prior to ER visit Sunday. Now, even with mediation, my pain is severe both in my left upper back as well as in my left arm. Bruising has today developed around my bicep as well as forearm. Bruising possibly resulting from deep tissue massage, but bruising ONLY in left arm...no where else, and the deep tissue massage took place in my upper back, both arms, lower back and pectoral area. No bruising anywhere but where described. Can this bruising be a result from these intolerable back spasms? Also, should I plan a visit to my Primary Care Physician as soon as possible? Are there any other home remedies I should be doing. Currently, I m applying heat and ice alternatively to help relieve the intense pain. I typically have a high tolerance to pain, but this time I m succumbing to it, for the most part. Pain is tolerable with ice pack. Stretching helps a bit, but ice packs help the most. Heating pads help a little, but ice is seeming to be the most effective tool.