My name is Kenan. I am from Bosnia. I have paranoid thoughts in last 2 years. That paranoid thoughts are very stresfull and disturbing at me. Thoughts are about devil, black magic, conspiracy theories, food poisoning, that somebody wants to kill me, poisoning to me. This paranoid thoughts come very fast and go very fast, then I continue to doing normal (evryday) things. Always, I know that this paranoid thougts are iracional and crazy. I have anxiety in last 2 years. I read lot of schizofrenia and other psyhosis, and a I opsesed about these diseases. What you mean about me. Am I imaginig this symtoms beocuse of my fear and anxiety about psyhosis and sch., or a have hypohondriasis or I have another disease. Am I in prodormal phase of psyhosis. Sorry becouse of my English.
Best regards,