hello i have a friend with something seriously wrong she is 38yo. She s been told its ibs, pelvic floor dysfunction, muscle spasms and has been to a physical therapist for treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction which has just caused a new symptom of incontinence. lets start with symptoms, they started after a vaginal hysterectomy in which the doctor first did a tubal ligation and an ablasion which caused non stop bleeding. so he performed a vaginal hysterectomy leaving the ovaries and later she complained of some stabbing pain in while dr. said fallopian tubes were growing back through the cervical cap? he cut them out in the office resulting in horrible pain and screaming. symptoms include 75lbs of wt loss, constipation, severe cramping from under left side of rib cage to middle of left thigh. excruciating, sweaty, curled in a ball pain for days on end, sometimes pink urine, although tested for stones was negative, she does have IBS, lactose intolerance, polycystic ovary syndrome and has had 2 back surgeries for disc repair. hemmorrhoid surgery, c-section 12 years ago, gallbladder removal at 21, tonsillectomy, and ablasion, tubal ligation and cyst removal of ovaries, and the vaginal hysterectomy. Drs just keep referring her out to another dr. she is at her wits end. co-pays are killing her and she wont take pain meds because it makes the ibs-c worse. please help any clues who could help her?