45 year old male, suffer from paraneal neurapathy 3 years. I woke up with drop foot in the right. With in 2 weeks the left dropped as well. Had CT,MRI,EMG. Test resuts were not that promising. The neuro pain that has come with this, is driving me crazy. It burns,aches,numbness, and tingles, this hurts. I'm not good when it comes to taking the meds I"M on, but they don't seem to relieve anything. Ibuprofem 800mg, 1 tab every 8 hours. Gabapentin 300mg 3 tabs every 8 hours. What other drugs are out there, that isn't going to make me stupid, that will relieve the pain that I'm in. I don't have a Neurology Appointment til NOV 15th, but maybe with your answer, I can go and ask for different direction on this pain.