I have 5 months of occasional neausea,along with gas,acid reflux,bloating,and diarrhea,I have IBS so I thought spasms of one day god,next day symptoms was bad case of IBS.MRI few days ago showed a 4mm polyp in Gallbladder.Most of the abdomen pain was left side,middle,and low into pelvis,One ct scan showed groin hernia,but surgeon said there was none there just fatty tissue.Should I be concerned and have anything done to Gallbladder,.I am upset,and this is bringing anxiety making me continue my IBS symptoms.I need reassurance that I will not have to resort to surgery.I have been through test after test,showing fatty liver,liver cysts,kidney cysts,had blood work,ultra sounds,trips to ER with stomach pain and diahrea,hep panel(negative for Type C,B)Please enlighten me.