I am a twenty year old female. Last Friday evening (7/15/16) I began having diarrhea that was very frequent and persisted through most of the night. In the morning, however, I felt better and had gone kayaking. I also ate bread, cheese, and salami as part of a picnic afterwards, which in hindsight I know wasn t smart. The following afternoon, the diarrhea worsened and so did the stomach pain. Previously, the stomach pain would be alleviated after a bowel movement, but the pain stayed around for longer it seemed the rest of the weekend, even after having gone to the bathroom. Mind you, I would go up to, if not more than, 10 times a day. That s very frequent diarrhea. That Saturday night was horrible. My mom had gotten me imodium, which did slow down the diarrhea, but the stomach pain wasn t going anywhere. Sunday morning, there was blood in my diarrhea. I knew that was a bad sign, so I informed my mom, and we went to the doctor. They told my mom to stop giving me imodium because they didn t want to keep the bacteria from leaving through bowel movements, and they gave me something to collect a stool sample with as well as a prescription for some medical probiotics (VSL#3, i think. It s like the extra strength one). We picked up the probiotics, and I had two packets that day. I realize that was a lot. On Monday, since I had been up the whole previous night making trips to the bathroom, I stayed home from work. I used that time to collect a stool sample and bring it to my doctor to be tested. They had to send it to a lab, so I wouldn t know my results for a week. Meanwhile, Monday I felt much better. Sunday had by far been the worst day. On Monday, I had one more packet of the probiotics, but didn t eat it all in one sitting, but rather two sittings in the morning and night (I had been putting it in apple sauce). Also, it should be noted that I followed a very bland diet all of Sunday and Monday. By Tuesday, I was well enough to return to work and it seemed that I was in recovery mode. The diarrhea had stopped, but my stool was still very soft--an improvement I was happy about. That was the norm the whole week along with normally timed bowel movements. Now yesterday (7/24/16), I went out to dinner with my family to an Asian fusion restaurant and got a spicy oily dish to eat. Then at night, I woke up twice and had diarrhea. Then I had diarrhea twice this morning (7/25/16). I don t know what is the matter with me. Was a week not enough recovery time? Did the food further irritate a problem that hadn t fully healed? I m afraid I have IBS or something, though I read it isn t common to wake up in the middle of the night due to bowel movements if one has IBS. My test results regarding my stool also came back negative for anything. There was nothing wrong. I tried eating more bland food again today and taking in more probiotics. I got by period this past Saturday and recently started a new BCP this month, Gianvi. Could that combined with my period have anything to do with my stomach issues? I am a healthy person. Slightly overweight, but good blood pressure and a healthy heart rate. I eat a relatively healthy diet--I hadn t even been eating much leading up to the whole diarrhea thing. A small snack or lunch during the day with a good portioned dinner that included all the food groups. My family doesn t have a history of sensitive stomachs. I don t even usually have a sensitive stomach. I am used to eating a lot of different foods from different ethnicities and have never had any problems. What s wrong with me? I m worried this is going to become a chronic issue or something. I ll also note I feel I have been more gassy. I ve always done little, frequent burps--so that wasn t new--but also just farting every stinking time I go to the bathroom. That isn t normal for me. And if it means anything, I ve had two UTI s this past year. I had never had one before this year, but I also became sexually active this year, so..idk. Either way, the first one was bad--it was the whole shebang with blood and what not--got that diagnosed and took antibiotics. The second one wasn t as bad, no blood, seemed to heal itself after I drank some apple cider vinegar cuz when I was finally able to get to a doctor and get tested they said I was fine. Please help.