I have had an ear infection for about 5 weeks now . I went to the Doc and she gave me some antibiotics (amoxicillin) for 7 days. They did not help my infection at all and the pain is down the side of my neck and the back of my neck when I turn my head. Every year I usually get an infection and ear pain in the same left ear. I was in a car accident and hit my head in 1984. Usually when I go to the Doctor and take some drops or antibiotics, the ear pain clears up, however this time It has lasted 5wks and did not clear up . What would my next step be for this problem. It is very consuming and annoying. Hoping it is nothing that is spreading to my tissues. My head is very sensitive on that side also, especially when I comb my hair. Do you know what this could possibly be? Acute ear canal infection, (bacteria called Psedomonas), Chronic infection, Milignant otitis externa which can spread to other tissue including bone at the base of the skull and can be life threatening. Could also be an eardrum rupture. Which may require drops or other antibiotics.