My 11and a half yr old son awoke middle of night 7 days ago with chills and discovered he had a fever of 102.5. Next day,chills gone,fever about managed at 101with nsaid every 4 hours. 3Rd day til today,no additional phyisical symptoms except constant liw grade fever ranging,with nsaid of 99.7 and can go up but nevet above 100.5 in last 5 days. He is eating, drinking,no mucos,no stomach,headache or throat pain,no fatigue,ear ache or body aches. No prob with BM or urinating. So, if anne saw him he appears heslthy, acts healthy but fever never goes away, eben with tylenol or nsaid for last five days. He has been clise to 100 or above fo last 5 of 7 days. By the way, i also have started a fever on his day 3,but mine nevet exceeded 101.0. So how much longer is it of no concern and what is too long to have low grade fever? Tw0 more days? When shoul I take him to doctor o be concern? In the last two and a half years, the same child has only had one physical illness And that was earlier this year of about 24 hours with a runny nose and malaise but no fever.. Came and went very quickly He takes no medicine Valley on a regular basis only a multivitamin. He has no ongoing medical conditions other than and an osteochndroma On the inside of his knee which is being managed by pediatric Orthopedist. So he isn t healthy kids he doesn t eat electric Anna nor drink soda however he liked to PC cake now and then but it s 527 frozen vegetables day and very lean protein.