2 or 3 weeks ago I got hit hard in the head with a phone by someone on the side of my head by my eyebrow on the left, and it turned into a hickey instantly i put ice on it when i got home and the pain was bad all over my head in it and it would be so hard to go to sleep because of the pain it was just throbbing in the back and real bad all over and i would wake up in the middle of the nights and start to wake up earlier at 7 am and I usually wake up at 10 am or 11 am But a week later the pain stopped, where it was hard for me to lay down and go to sleep and i stopped waking up early, but I still have headaches daily, and i stop waking up in the middle of the nights and early. pain medicine doesnt work, it doesnt just hurt in that spot where i hit it, It hurts all over my head