hello concerned patient,
Thanks for writing to HCM.
i read your query and understand your concern is regarding the
insomnia you have been experiencing for some years now
some details would have helped:
your age and sex?
your occupation and its nature?
any medical history/drug history/familial history??
what all medicines has been tried in your case??-u have mentioned 10 different sleeping prescriptions.
If i were the doctor treating you,i would advise the following:
stress ,try
relaxation techniques,
meditation etc.
-avoid daytime naps
-try to follow a sleeping schedule at night,so that your body syncs up
-avoid caffeine
-exercise regularly
-i have seen inducing behavioural changes through cognitive behavioural therapy to work for many patients and that can be tried if the above doesnt work.
- another newer technique is in addition to pleasant climate(not too hot /
cold),is a technique of breathing called 4-7-8(please look it up,lengthy to explain here) and listening to soothing white noises like rain drops,small breezes etc which are available as mobile apps.
-then take a medication like alprazolam 0.5mg for 10days at night or
zolpidem tartrate at night which should give a good sleep when combined with above guidelines in mentioned
Hope it works out for you and hope it helps.
Let me know how it feels after a fortnight.followup if any doubts.