HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
Hemorrhoids (piles) are worse when a person is constipated so the main aspect of routine treatment is preventing
This means using at least (1)5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day
(2)using at least 8 glasses of water daily
(3)using whole grain and other fiber foods
If it is difficult to get enough fiber in your diet then use a fiber supplement like
metamucil, benefiber, citrucel.
When the hemorrhoids are present then you should consider:
(1)short term use of a
stool softener to prevent straining when using the bathroom
(2)avoiding prolonged standing or sitting
(3)using sitz baths to reduce the swelling and discomfort.
This means sitting in warm (not hot) water for 10 to 15 minutes, 2 to 3 times a day.
Table salt or epson salt can be added to the water
(4)using a
steroid cream to reduce the itching
I hope this helps