I have gone through your query and can understand your concern...
As per your complain and explanation of symptoms the pain seems most probably related to wisdom tooth .
Many a times when you have an erupting or partially erupted or an
impacted wisdom tooth the gum flap that covers it or surround it gets inflamed due to infection caused by food accumulation between the gum flap and the wisdom tooth and the condition is known as
It can lead to immense pain that can radiate to tonsils, ear, jaw and even side of head and ear..
It can cause difficulty in opening mouth and make chewing and swallowing painful..
Nothing to worry consult an Oral Physician and get evaluated and in case if tooth is impacted extraction followed by antibiotics and painkillers will relieve..
If not impacted Medication and surgical removal of gum flap will provide relief..
If it is not Pericoronitis than antibiotics and painkillers along with warm saline gargles will help..
As of now to relieve pain take anti-inflammatory painkillers like
Do warm saline gargles..
cold compresses over cheek and jaw..
soft diet..
Hope this information helps..