Can understand your concern..
As per your query
pharyngitis occurs due to infection caused by either virus or bacteria.
In case of bacterial infection antibiotics like penicillin will help but in case of viral infection antibiotics are of no value as the antibiotics acts only on bacteria and not viruses.
If after a week also you do not find relief may be you have a viral infection and not bacterial.
You can consult an
ENT specialist and get a
Strep test done in which a swab is taken from your throat and culture and sensitivity test is done to find out whether the infection is caused by bacterial or not..
If it is positive antibiotics can be taken or else it should be stopped and then the treatment is done symptomatically by :
Doing warm saline gargles.
Taking cough lozanges.
In case of pain painkillers like
Ibuprofen or
calpol can be taken..
Keep well hydrated by drinking plenty of water to avoid dryness and irritation of throat..
Avoid spicy and hard foods.
Hope your query is solved..
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Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.