3 days ago, my boyfriend and i had sex, he had just shaved a day or two before and i was on top. Sometimes the muscles down there get sore, the ones around the vagina that run all the way back to my rear end, along my butt cheeks. They were sore the next day and i also noticed a weird sore feeling on the top of my clitoris, near my urinary hole. Like on the flap of the clitoris. I think i have felt that sensation before, but this time i looked, and i can see like a pimple or two looking area. It doesnt necessarilyhurt, but its uncomfortable. It was going away but i messed with it while checking it out. Left it alone all day yesterdayand the ssensationis dimming down. Ive never been exposed to herpes but i do get the oral ones. I am very ccareful when i get a cold sore. I dont even let my boyfriend kiss me cuz he doesnt get them. This is scaring me tho. He is the only one i am sexually active with and we live together and dont sleep with other people. The fact that he shaved a day or two before we had sex is making me think the friction caused this. Could this be?