I keep getting a pimple in the same spot on my labia majora. It s not caused by irritation or rubbing because it s clearly on the middle of my vaginal lip. It constantly feels like a welt, even after being popped and it comes back every few weeks (in the exact spot) filling with pus, eventually until the point where it hurts unless I pop it, then it goes away for a few days/weeks and comes back. It is the color of my skin at first, and the larger it gets the more red, after popping it turns almost like a brown color, and it fades away again to my skin color. Any idea on what this is or how to stop it? I m tired of having to deal with it every couple of weeks. I know for certain I do not have any sexually transmitted diseases or infections because my boyfriend and I have only had sex with eachother and no one else. Please help