The female reproductive system i.e. the uterus,
cervix and vagina undergo tremendoous changes during
pregnancy and during childbirth itself and take anywhere between 3-6 months to regain their normal structure. Even then it may not be completely as in pre-pregnancy.
From your description, you do seem to have some mild degree of
vaginal prolapse.
I would suggest the following:
Pelvic floor muscle exercises : Called Kegel's exercises, include holding the pelvic muscles tightly as if holding in urine and then relaxing. This sequence can be repeated 20-30 times about 3-4 times a day. This strengthens the muscles in the pelvic area and helps regain the pre-pregnancy anatomy.
2. Vaginal pessaries : are support deivices. These may be prescribed by your gynaecologist after an internal examination (as there are some contraindications for their use like injury or infection). These might be helpful in mild cases.
3. Surgery : If the above methods fail, surgery will have to be considered where there is reconstruction of the pelvic organs.
Hope this helps. Wishing you good health.
Dr Geeta