I was a heavy crack smoker for 10 yrs. (over 1 yr. clean). I have been having trouble swallowing, weight loss, and seem to be salivating alot. I have a hx of a very invasive (morphea type) BCC on my nose that recurred 3 x. Went through living hell w/it, started when i was 30 yo, now free of it since36 or so. (had to go to top Mohs surgeon in NYC despite having previous Mohs surgeries w/top doc here @ U of Rochester. Ended up w/hole in face x 2 yrs. before nyc doc would allow any further reconst s for obvious reasons. Now 58 yo. had numerous reconst s, have PTSD, Panic d/o, on & on ad nauseum, SCARED TO DEATH AND THUS FAR HVEN T FOUND A NEW PRIMARY. (last one of 15 yrs got ill quite young. Yes, I am an RN & R