I am 35 weeks pregnant,i have had HG through out the pregnancy until 3 weeks ago when it subsided and i got my picc line removed and i also developed pregnancy induced asthma at 24 weeks which subsided thankfully after a round of prednisone,i have been well since except now i am starting to feel bad again,fatigued,drowning feeling in my chest,and swelling on my right hand and leg that subsides after a few minutes of massaging and elevating.I cant sleep well i wake up coughing and overwhelmed by the drowning feeling so i have to sleep almost all the way seated up.and at andom times my heart feels like its beating weird like butterflies in my chest or something.is this all normal 3rd trimester pregnancy issues.my blood pressure has been 100/70 through out except when i was taken ill for asthma and random fainting spells.prepregnancy weight was 177 and am now 180,am 5.4