Hello there,
I m dr.milan answering your question.
Infectious disease specialist.
This symptoms
chills and sweating is may be psychological but before that we nee to ruleout infection. If it is along with
fever there may be malarial infection. If it is along with caugh it may be raspiratory. If there is burning micturition there may be urinary infection.
To rule out these we need to go for certain blood inveatigation like CBC, peripheral smear for malarial parisites, urinw routine microscopy and cultur, sputum (if
cough is there) microscopy and culture.
blood culture 3 set.
And is there any drug on going which is causing this symptoms.
So i suggest you to visit a reliable physician and ask for these things.
And if all comes negative than it may be a psychological problem.
Hope i have given a good guidance to you.
If you are satisfied with my guidance give me star rating acoording.
Thank u.