Hi, I am 25 female, the past 6 months I have been getting sharp stabbing pains shooting up from my knees to my thighs. In the beginning it wasn t too bad of pain just sort of annoying. It started getting severe the past two months. Now it feels like my entire legs have pins and needles. It s worse in the morning when I first wake and at night, almost feels like my legs want to run away when I m trying to relax. Sometime they even give out and I collaspe. The pain has gotten so terrible that I barely sleep and I can t eat. My doctor ordered bloodwork to check my potassium, magnesium, iron ect. Everything came back normal. I went for an EMG, normal. I have done therapy, swimming pools, ice, heat. I have been on most inflammatory medicines. Motrin Alieve nothing works. I take a multi-vitamin, calcium, vitamin D and a natural herb called Valerian Root that was said to be used for RLS. Nothing is helping right now but I keep doing what am doing and keeping faith. My doctor has an MRI for my lumbar and ultra sound for my legs next month and a appointment with a neurologist. I m just wondering if anyone has advice or ideas of what it might/could be? Anything that I can have checked or tested for? It has been a nightmare the past few months I m asking for help. Please.