Concussion 2 years ago - took about 6 months before back to normal. Last March, was treated for a sinus infection, but had fullness in left ear. Had ear syringed, but didn t help. Started feeling mildly nauseated and off-balance, light-headed, and foggy in April. Tinnitus at bedtime, when everything was quiet. Also felt my left ear draining at times, like there was water in my ear, but there was no fluid in my ear. Exercise, even taking a walk, made me feel sick. Also experienced some vertigo. Vestibular rehab in June/July cleared up the vertigo-like episodes for the most part, but the treatment itself, including the 20 days of at-home exercises made me feel very sick. Prescribed serk during this time, which didn t help. Prescribed 25 mg of diuretic in August, which helped for a couple of weeks, but I was also on vacation so taking things easy. Back to work in September and got worse again. Still taking diuretic and waiting to see an ENT. My ear is much worse, tinnitus is much worse, and now have soreness and a burning sensation in my ear. I still have the draining feeling often, and almost always feels full. I feel better when things are quiet and I can just focus on one thing for long periods. When I have a lot of meetings or a lot going on, I am much worse - brain fog, nausea, light-headed, pain in ear, worsening tinnitus. My doctor mentioned meniere s and/or acoustic neuroma as possibilities. CT Scan normal, blood work normal. Expecting that the ENT will order an MRI (my family physician can t order it), but the wait is long to see the ENT and then there will be another wait for the MRI. I have researched, and I don t think meniere s fits. The neuroma...maybe. maybe a perilymph fistula from the concussion?