Asked by sgtamos (Female; 32; psoriasis, eczema, migraines, asthma, IBS, gained approx. 60 lbs. in the last year due to a number of
various cortisone/steroid injections; Relevant drugs:Zyrtec, Asmanex inhaler, albuterol inhaler ) on Tue 20, Apr 2010 12:35am :
1. I have psoriasis on my scalp & had been using Olux (clobetasol) foam for it. 2. It had done a pretty good job practically eradicating it. Then, for some reason unknown to me, the psoriasis came back with a passion about six+ months ago & I started going through the Olux foam/clobetasol liquid within a week rather than using it up in a month like I had previously done. 3. I stopped using the foam (even though things were getting much worse) mid-Feb. b/c my primary care was concerned that I'd been using a steroid for such a long time (about six years), that it could be effecting my adrenal glands, and it wasn't working nearly as well as before. He referred me to a dermatologist from the pool of derms approved by my insurance. 4. I saw her today & she told me to just start washing my hair every day with Neutrogena T-Gel shampoo & to start using the Olux foam again. 5. I questioned her on it several times--what is the reason for going back to a medication that had ceased functioning at its most effective level, but she insisted that this was the right thing to do. Said there are a number of great meds for psoriasis, this is a great one, it worked before, so it should work again. 6. I told the pharmacy to hold off on filling that one since I wanted to get a second opinion. 7. I've got some other things going on as well--brown spots on my chest that she said were a common yeast-related thing & gave me an Rx for a pill to swallow that is supposed to make me sweat & will then excrete the meds through my skin. Also, there are some other dry, cracked, some-itchy, some-painful spots all over the place that I'm supposed to use a topical cream to help clear up. 8. The two meds that I agreed to have filled are fluconazole & ketoconazole. I sure would appreciate any advice you have to offer!