Hello and welcome to HCM,
Pus filled pimple on leg is suggestive of boil or
Boil is bacterial infection of skin and furunculosis is inflammation of hair follicles.
Antibiotic is treatment of choice for either of the conditions.
Either of the two conditions can be very painful also so you can take painkillers for the condition.
Since, you are diabetic, there is increased susceptibility to bacterial infections.
Thus, blood sugar level should also be kept under control.
Please continue with your antibiotic and a painkiller can also be addedd for the pain.
Hot fomentation can be given for symptomatic relief.
The antibiotic may take few days to control the infection.
Topical antibiotic ointment can also be used.
If topical antibiotic ointment is not prescribed, you can consult your primary healthcare provider for its prescription.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja Puri