Hi, About 3 years ago i had a strange rash appear on my inner thigh. It started in one spot, its soft like dead skin, shaped in a blotchy circle but not itchy or painful and its a pink color. as weeks went by it started to spread. It spread to my other thigh going to about midways down my thighs up to under my breasts, skipping my genatalia and back. I was absolutely covered in them on my stomach, it got so bad i was too scared for anyone to see the rash. It took a total of 6months for it to get that far. I know i should have gon to the doctors, but i really resist going. The rash disappeared about 4 weeks after i started using zinc cream on it as my mother suggested. I noticed about 3 weeks ago from now i have what seems to be the same rash appearing again. It is starting in the exact same part of my upper thigh, looks and feels the exact same. I decided to wait it out to see if anything happens. It is still there and no changes yet. However that is the exact way the first one started 3 years ago. I am having troubles identifying the rash and Google results always show the worst case scenario. I really avoid going to the doctors unless something really hurts.