Hello, I m a bit embarrassed of my behavior but I feel that consulting a medical professional would be wise. I am a 24 yo male, relatively healthy. I have recently been showing symptoms of IBS for a few months, been managing that as best as I can. I travel to a lower sea level semi regularly and I usually experience a bout of diarrhea or constipation. Usually my stool is accompanied by small amounts of white mucous. A little bit more background on my current position. Recently due to stress, my drinking has increased to an unhealthy amount. I never get wasted but maybe twice a week consume two drinks and then limit myself to a drink an hour afterwards. Typically I have five to six drinks over the course of four hours. This happens once to twice a week. Two days ago, due to circumstance, I let myself go over that limit; something I seldom do. At a house party I was offered a small amount of cocaine which I insufflated. This was a very small amount and did no have a very pronounced effect on me. This is concerning to me because about a year and a half ago for a six month period I had a growing problem with that drug. I got myself clean and was abstinent from that drug for nearly a year with many returning health benefits. However, yesterday (the morning after) I passed a solid green stool and have passed those multiple times since. I promptly took a probiotic and increased my intake of soluble fiber. However, for the next 24 hours my symptoms did not alleviated themselves. I currently have a very minor discomfort in my lower belly and an increased appetite but besides that no symptoms. This morning my stool appeared to have a green and yellowish tinge to it and was very foul smelling. I m unsure if this is a good or bad sign. Lastly I am prescribed omeprazol for gastritis and am on the very tail end of a 30 day treatment. I am also prescribed adderall which I take infrequently for ADD and anxiety. I am taking this as a wake up call that I need to reduce my amount of alcohol consumption for general health and the fact that it apparently lowers my inhibitions too greatly. I am concerned by the green stool as it has persisted for nearly 36 hours now. I am worried that between the drinking and the small amount of cocaine that I might have agitated an underlying condition. I have scheduled an appointment with my doctor for two weeks out however I m unsure if I should request a sooner appointment. It is very disconcerting but I am in no pain, only slight discomfort. Any information or insights about this would be appreciated. Thank You