One year straight of high neutrophils, low lymphocytes and low iron sat (all other iron levels are fine). For the record, I am a vegetarian. Docs are convinced something is going on, but cannot seem to break the case. I m tired all the time. When I get sick, it ends up turning from a basic cold to bronchitis to pneumonia (I even get flu shots and still get quite aick every year), etc. And I m sick for several months, despite hospitals and several rounds of antibiotics and steroids, inhalers, and pain medications (last time I ended with a double chronic ear infections. One ear ended up perforated. Hence the strong pain meds. I am not sick right now. I ve pulled away from a lot of things because of how easily I get sick (and stay sick). My last experience with pneumonnia was during a show in which I had no understudy. I am a singer. I performed like that (no choice. Show must go on). On stage, i would belt out my notes while dancing and then I would run off stage and spew blood in a trash can, then take the inhalants and get some water and run back out. Performing is my passion. Now i am on leave and no one can seem to figure out why this is happening, why i have over a year strait (tested during sick and healthy times) of off blood work. Why i am tired all of the time. Etc.I am only 33. I a young, otherwise healthy female. A young healthy female with no energy, who a year ago easily danced and sang her way though 3 hour long, high energy shows, and lived for it. Please help me figure this out. Or at least give me some new things for the doctor to check.