I have recurring sinus issues that don t seem to be responding to antibiotics. The latest bout has gone on for 7 weeks now (last one was about 3 months with a healthy period of maybe 2 months between?). I have lots of pressure behind my eyes, near constant runny nose, sneezing, thick dark green mucous, post-nasal drip that has affected my voice very badly, toothaches, general tiredness, and lately crackling in my head and a severe headache focused over/behind my eyes with facial sensitivity, heat, swelling and tingling throughout my forehead and down my cheeks, and sensitivity to light (very similar to a nasty headache I got from airplane travel a few years ago - made me afraid to get on a plane again). My latest doc says she doesn t think I need antibiotics cause I don t react with pain when she presses over my sinuses and she will not prescribe a course of treatment. I have had a clear X-ray and allergy testing (no allergies) and am waiting for an CT scan. It s a ridiculous wait to see the ENT (though I finally have a referral). Any suggestions on treating symptoms or clearing this up in the meantime?