About 3 months ago it started with a flare up in my knee. Fairly pronounced swelling left side of left knee slightly above the kneecap. Doctor put me on anti inflammatory. Seemed to lesson over the next week until another flare up hit same knee down to and including ankle. I had previously (30 years ago) been diagnosed having pseudo gout and that s what my doctor has been treating me for. The initial anti inflammatory drug is Meloxicam, since he s prescribed Motrin 800 mg and Colchicine .06. Both gave some initial relief especially the Ibuprofen but where initially I could take one per day, over the last 2 weeks I m up to 3 per day and still crippled. These joint agonies have gone from knees to ankles wrists, shoulders, lower back, neck and elbows. 3 months ago I was very active 66 year old. Walking, hiking, swimming, waterskiing etc. Previous to this I d get an occasional flare up, usually knee, take some Advil for a few days and it would be gone. Maybe once or twice per year. I ve now aged 30 years overnight and getting worse by the day. My doctor did an initial thorough blood work up. Everything was in normal ranges except one category high that, he says, show high inflammation levels. I live in Phoenix and am now looking for a list of afflictions that could attack multiple joints moving from place to place, sometimes in multiple joints. Maybe something like Valley fever or???