Not sure if the problems are related. I have a recurring ulcer/blister on the roof of my mouth on the border of the hard and soft palate and I have some white dots and a red line on my penis under the corona. Here s the background information; I had a sore throat immediately after unprotected oral with a stranger on a one night stand. We had sex as well, but we used a condom. 2days later I got sick and was bed ridden for 2 days, then I was completely fine. Approximately 8days after the encounter I noticed a white, hard and painless spot on the roof of my mouth on the border of the hard and soft palate. I thought nothing of it initially and it went away in a day. A week later it returned again, this time for only a night. 3 weeks it returned again for a three days and on the 4th day grew into a blister, burst and scabbed over. 3 days after it burst I got sick and developed a sore and red throat. My throat has been sore and red ever since that event and the spot seems to come an go weekly sometimes over the course of a couple of days. The one night stand occurred on the 21st of February. The blister burst on the 4th of May. I had an STD screen (serology and urine) including Herpes and HPV on the 8th of May. The results were all negative. I had another STD screen including Herpes and HPV on the 9th of June and also had a swab for viral culture of Herpes 1&2 and HPV, however the spot had been there for about 2&1/2 days and was receding, all results from all tests returned negative. However 3 days after these tests I had shooting pains in my penis and noticed four tiny white dots on the left hand side of my penis (under the corona/towards the top of the shaft, visible when I pull my foreskin back) and on the right hand side of my penis at the same sort of location I noticed a dark red line which appeared to have two tiny white dots on it. The pains lasted 2/3days. I also had an itch on the right hand side of my crotch near the base of my penis, there appeared to be redness beneath my pubic hair but I had been scratching at the itch during the day and only got a chance to actually look at night, I also suffered through maybe 5 nights of night sweats. The marks are still there, although barely visible now and with no pain. It should be noted that 14days before the penis symptoms/11days before the test, I was ill with flu like symptoms. I had another viral culture for Herpes 1&2 on the 7th of July. This time swabbed over the aforementioned areas on the penis, this to returned negative. There are more factors involved, however I m not sure how relevant they are to my diagnosis, so they might not need to be added, I understand my post is already way too long.