I ve been on dialysis for 13 yrs now.Past yr I ve had neumonia twice,this developed afib so now taking elliquis blood thinner.I am over weight have hb,diabetes and in 2003 had a triple bypass.For a week and half i have been sluggish body aches,headaches,severe back pain and abnominal pain and cramping.2 days ago couldn t finish my dialysis treatment due to increased pain discomfort.Was seen at hospital emergency rm.They ct scanned xrayef my stomach area and appendix came negative except on my ovarie they saw a cyst but no fluid build up around it so eliminated it too.Prior to ct scan of appendix had to drink this clear liquid to enhance vision for appendix,since then to present i have been more sore in my stomach right side area and vomiting i just saw my pcp who gave me a pill to help with nausea.The emergency dr.diagnos in the end is i have another bout of neumonia much milder than the previous,whatever that means.I know somethings def.happening with my health i desperately need to kno if its a new disorder developing and i can treat it correctly so that it can be prevented to lead to more life threatning issues,which as ive shared is already a full plate.Can you do your best to share your prof .opunions .Ive been on the internet and am overwhelmed with the info .