Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood your concerns.
This is a complicated case as you were kept on
Augmentin for
sinus infection, followed by
Norfloxacin for diarrhea, treatment for thrush and so on, diarrhea still persistent.
This indicates the following since you are in a different country on a vacation.
This can be a traveler's diarrhea hence not getting well with the routine antibiotics and you developed thrush too.
First of all take a course of
Metronidazole for 5 days along with Probiotics.
Take curds/yogurt, banana, activated charcoal tablets to assist in cure.
Use boiled and cooled water.
Take fresh food only, no spicy and junk food.
Send the stool sample for tests as well as that of blood to get an additional information and get treated accordingly.
About sinus infection: you may need an opinion of an
ENT Specialist, Nasal decongestant drops with steam inhalation and oral antihistamine and anti-inflammatory medication.