Thank you for following up. I understand your concern. You know intestine disease is disease of dirty hands. What we can do like mothers ?
1.Follow sanitary hygienic regime in the room where he plays, wash floor with washing powder or floor cleaner, wash toys with soup and soda,cut shortly nails to baby,throw pasifiers, use for feeding baby only his plate and put boiled water in plate for killing bacteria, change toothbrush every 3month, don't taste food with spoon of baby.Use sanitizer in the street, don't drink from baby's bottle.
2.Give only fresh food, wash vegetables and fruits very scrupulously
3.For profilaxis give to baby darolak(bifilak) 1 capsule 1 time 1 month for normalization of flora of intestine. Repeat course again in june.
4.Give albedazole (
zentel 10ml) once in bed time, because worms are harmful for our flora and cause disbacteriosis
5.Increase immunity of baby, pay attention to his diet,he should eat 4 times every 4 hours and fruits or fresh fruity or vegetables juice between meal.Give him also multivitamins-zinkovit 5 ml 1 time 1 month, then
osteocalcium 5 ml 1 time 1 month, then B-complex 5 ml or 1 capsule 1 time 1 month
I am wishing you good health
Best regards