Hello dear,
Hello dear
Understand your concern
It could be due to
Balanitis: inflammation of the penis, caused by poor hygiene, especially insufficient washing under the foreskin area.
Thrush, skin sensitivity or
allergy to a product used on the penis (such as soap or lubrication)
Take following advice:
fluconazole tablet as per doctor advise.
Change to a simple, unperfumed soap.
Alternatively, buy ‘aqueous cream’ from a pharmacy and use it as body-wash cream (i.e. apply a small amount and rinse off).
Put two handfuls of salt in the bath, but no other additives
Do not use ‘biological’ or ‘enzyme’ powders when washing your underpants
Showering after a workout, changing underwear, using a clean towel to dry off with and not redressing until the area is completely dry
Use formulated penis vitamin formula- Man 1 Man Oil-contain:
vitamins, minerals and shea butter- it moisturizes the skin and prevents flaking or cracked skin while revitalizing and enhancing the sensitivity of the penis
Hope this may help you.
Best regards
Dr. Sagar