I am suffering from joint pains since 2004, it started off in the right hip, moved to the right knee, then to the left hip and the left knee, then both feet, all tests for serology were found to be negative, the doctors prescribed me naproxen and some light exercises, i followed this treatment for some while and i felt some relief from the shooting pain, after about 2 years i.e. 2006 the pain disappeared and life became normal but a few months later the pain surfaced again, i was given the same medication but some people and close relatives misinformed us about the pain killers and their side effects, so my parents made me skip my medication, i didnot bother much because the pain was tolerable but a few months later i.e. in 2008 nov, i experienced severe pain in my right hip and both knees, my x-rays were normal, all tests for c reactive protein etc. were normal except for my ESR, which was quite abnormal, almost double the normal. Then i started taking ayurvedic medicines for it, they worked quite well (that is what my parents thought). I had to take a pain killer with it though, which i believe was providing me with the much wanted relief, but then now in 2011 january. i felt pain in my lower back which then moved on to my neck, now i cannot bend down to pick something, my lower back seems to have fused together, also i experienced some itching on the tip of my penis, i got it checked, the doctor said i had rieter's disease. Now i don't know what to do? also i want to mention that i was 12 or 13 when the pain started and i used to masturbate since i was 11 and i do it till date. HELP ME!!