Hi, I have a left ear problem. I had a fall (just seemed to lose my balance, one minute at the top of the patio stairs, next on the ground which resulted in my badly spraining both my ankles. This was June 2012. In November of that year I had a left ear affection which I was given antibiotics for but I have been left with a ringing in my ear and dull hearing. Towards the end of last year I was diagnosed with a jaw disorder, mainly to the left side which I have had treatment for. I visit my dentist on a regular basis of whom referred me to a consultant at the time. However, inside my ear towards the back near the cartilage/bone area is tender and I experience a fluid albeit lightly sometimes running down the back of my throat. I had an MRI and hearing test but would like to know if there is anything more that can be done. Look forward to an answer to my query.