I have had occurrences of sarcoidosis. My first known episode involved gross swelling in one ankle, a hard kind of swelling, purple bumps in my feet and some lung problems. four years later I experiences bumps on my arms with discoloured spots as well. That was the summer of 2013. This past summer I experienced diahrea for more than 6 weeks. Don t know if that was related. And in the fall I had a return of an eye condition that is neovascular something or other. Blood vessels growing in the wrong place. Don t know if that has any relationship to sarcoidosis. Just recently, my heart has been what I call skipping beats. Because I have had my ears all plugged up, I was hearing my pulse in my ears and could detect sometimes several skips per minute, sometimes only one normal beat in between. Could this be related to sarcoidosis? I went to ER and they hooked me up to a machine that printed out a picture of what my heart was doing. Interesting. The doctor who checked things out said that it looked like there may be an enlargement in my heart. Whenever my referal to a cardiologist comes through, I will get an ultrasound done of my heart. My question is, could this heart thing be related to sarcoidosis? I m sorry. As I proceeded to the end I saw this was something I have to pay for and I can t at this time. Sorry to trouble you.