Thank you for your question. What have you been using for treatment? Are you sure that is the proper diagnosis of what you have? Has a
dermatologist seen you? These are important questions to make sure you know exactly what is going on. Many other conditions can look like seborrheic
dermatitis, such as rosacea.
For patients with seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, treatment with antifungal shampoos is recommended. (
selenium sulfide 2.5%,
ketoconazole 2%, or ciclopirox 1%). Alternative medicated shampoos include coal tar,
salicylic acid, and sulfur, alone or in combination, available over the counter as shampoos or lotions. The medicated shampoo should be used daily or two or three times per week for several weeks, until remission is achieved. Head and Shoulders brand shampoo is something else that can relieve seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp.
In addition, for patients with itching and/or visible inflammation (patchy, orange to salmon-colored plaques covered with scale), a high potency corticosteroid shampoo, lotion, or foam can be used, but should be prescribed by a physician. The topical corticosteroid should be applied once daily for two to four weeks.
You should see a dermatologist for proper management and evaluation. Thanks.