Hello, My wife had a craneotomy to repair a ruptured AVM back in 1984. As a result, she has encephalomalacia based on recent MRIs of her brain. Over the last 10 years, she has also developed a seizure disorder which we are having a hard time treating. We ve been to a neurologist and have had scalp EEGs done which come up negative. Because of the negative EEGs, the neurologist claims she is having psuedo-seizures which I totally disagree with. At this point, we are at a loss as to where to go from here. We have had other neurologists tell us the same thing. She s on 400mg of Zonogran and 300mg of Vimpat which is no longer helping her. We need to see a specialist that will treat her based on the assumption that what is going on is a real seizure that is deep in the brain. So...my questions are 1) can seizures occur deep in the brain that won t register on a scalp EEG? and 2) what sort of specialist can help us? Neuropsychologist/Neuropsychiatrist perhaps?