Hello, I have been suffering from severe bloating in my stomach for a week now. I know my body and the way I eat and I know it s not just me eating too much, it s not fat just very bad bloating that even barely goes down in the morning if at all. Since it started i ve cut down on my food and avoid wheat and dairy because sometimes I can be sensitive to them, so I cut it down from my diet all together and i ve been taking probiotics. In the past I had bloating that was slightly less severe and when I went to the doctor it turned out to be helicobater but since then it happened to me once again before this time but it wasn t helicobacter that time and it just went away after not too long. But at the moment the bloating is so bad it looks like i m 3 months pregnant, which can t be because I had my period just several days before the bloating became severe. I eat a lot of fruit and veggies and no heavy stuff, but it simply won t go down. What is happening ? it s very distracting to me to walk around with a extreme bloated belly. Thanks for all the help Rachely