I have severe back pain in muscles knotting, numbness around my wasteline with no pain internally at all, slight numbness in legs making my walking wobbly like I have been drinking, at times my chest feels very tight and painful if bending forward or stressed...my history is I had a mastectomy in 1996 and used to work out regularly until past several years....therefor have noticed scar tissue growing under arm of mastectomy side and can feel it growing underneath implant....had doctor look and took tow initial blood tests that came back normal except for elevated potassium level slightly high...I eat really healthy high potassium foods...no headaches, no neck aches, no lymph node swelling, no blood, no cough, ....I tend to believe the scar tissue is triggering myofascial pain syndrome now and somehow causing swelling or pressure on nerves related to mid section and legs. and I also agree stress aggravating it all...doctor wants me to go to therapy ....but the pain is very real and scary...thanks