Hello and Welcome to healthcare magic forum!
Thank you for writing to us,
This might not be just water retention but might be a simple
dyspepsia (
indigestion). Sometimes, it is impossible to determine the cause of indigestion. This is called functional dyspepsia.
This may be caused by abnormal muscle motility (squeezing action) in the area where the stomach muscles help digest food and move the food into the
small intestine.
Indigestion ca be caused by overeating, eating spicy foods, lying down soon after eating and
smoking and alcohol or even some medications, If none of these factors suits your cause,
I suggest you to go to a gastroentrologist who can evaluate the case further and give you the right treatment in time before you travel.
Till then these minute life style changes will help you
Avoid fatty, fried and spicy foods
Eat smaller meals throughout the day like every two hours
Eat more slowly and chew your food well
Drink plenty of water and avoid caffeinated drinks, alcohol or smoking.
and important avoid taking medications like pain killers or NSAIDs which irritate the stomach lining.
Wishing you good health !