Hey, I've recently thrown up blood on 3 occasions in total now, twice it was bright red and the third time it was very dark and chunky. Doctors didn't take me seriously and not even at the emergency room. I suppose my goofy personality led them to think i just wanted attention, but I've spent over $300 on ER visits, urgent care and prescriptions without even finding out what is causing it or what the problem really is. I still haven't received a referral to any gastroenterologist or anything. What would you think it might be? i don't think I'm dying I just would like to know what too look for and what to mention to my doctor next time I'm there. By the way, I regularly smoke cigarettes about one pack every other day, I eat well and live a normal daily life. My stomach don't regularly hurt, but when I was about 13 I overdosed on 30 pills (about half or less had acetomenaphin in it) and never saw a doctor for it. Around 17 I did the same thing again without ever seeing a doctor. I'd just like to know what I should be looking for or any idea of what it might be