DOCTOR ,Good evening,i am mr gopal from jajpur,orissa. my older sister age-38 married. 15 to 20 years before she suffer physicologically problem according me, but my family was not gone any hospital but treat by local tantric and after 2/3 years married near district kendrpara. after mirrage same type problem arise(problem means- she say any spirit things and treated by tantric and also i brought to SCB medical college,cuttack. i meet with first medicine dept after nerology. According nerology doctor CT SCANNING to mental and take some medicine. Now today suddennly her body feel a unknown pain and slowly his body feel abedrest then senseless and that days his eye side skin look black and she couldn,t sleep at night. Now pls suggest us what type of disease and which department i will treat to my sister. Thanks&bregds gopal,bari ,jajpur,orissa mob.0000