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I've gone through your query and based on what you referred to me, first you have to change your diet and begin a healthy lifestyle. These changes will help will increase the speed of your stools to pass more easily through your intestine. So, I suggest you:
1. first to increase your fiber intake: eat more vegetables and fruits, whole grain breads and cereals. You should consume 14 grams of fiber for every 1000 calories in your daily diet.
2.Drink plenty of water
3. Increase your physical activity because it will help your intestine to to increase it's muscle activity.
4. You can take fiber supplements like
Metamucil, Fibercon etc.
5. you can take stool lubrificants. For example: olive oil because it will help the stools to move more easily.
6. you can take stool softeners like Colace for example.
If these over the counter laxatives don't help you: I suggest you to see your doctor in order to prescribe you some medications such as
lubiprostone and linaclotide.
Also, It's important for you to contact a therapist who uses devices to help you learn to relax and tighten the muscles in your pelvis. Relaxing your
pelvic floor muscles at the right time during defecation can help you pass stool more easily.
Hope this information is useful to you
Dr. Ermira Biu