Every drug causes adverse reaction. There is no drug which is free of adverse effects.
Adverse effects of Plavix include diarrhoea, dyspepsia,
abdominal pain, bruising, and bleeding at puncture site.
Welbutrin can cause headache, dry mouth, nausea, dizziness,
constipation, agitation, abdominal pain, tremor, nervousness, irritability,
suicidal ideation, palpitation, sweating, rash, nausea, migraine, insomnia, urinary frequency or retention, dysphagia, anorexia,
photosensitivity and hypotension. These adverse effects are not seen in all patients.
1. Continue Plavix and Welbutrin as suggested
2. Do not alter dose of medicine by yourself unless suggested by your doctor
3. Avoid driving& swimming
4. Investigations for monitoring side effects of Plavix:
Platelet count every 3 months
b. Coagulaton profile every 3 months
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